Kristin Anjuri

Mercy Kinya

Nelly Jerobon

Peter Kirongothi

Wanjiku Mwai

Rosemary Muigai

ALETHEIA FOUNDATION | The Journey Continues

Aletheia Family

Teenage pregnancies triggers various conversations based on various levels of the society. It is common to come across the teen moms who have been left to fend for themselves because they are a "disgrace" to the family or experience unfavourable treatment. These practice progressively affect the physical and mental health.

We are interested in cultivating a culture that cuts down on teenage pregnancies and also nurture teen moms to pick themselves up to be self sustaining.

The hope for the best keeps us going!

Everyone has a purpose and it is possible that most of the time we experience some shortcomings, and we need someone to pick us up, just like how the teen moms look forward to someone to pick them up. Also, to empower the teen girls in keeping themselves safe and be goal oriented.

Aletheia Foundation  © 2020